Warmer Weather is Key for Great Asphalt Paving:
Spring and Summer are the peak seasons for the asphalt paving industry. The reason for this is simple, asphalt works best when laid down in warmer weather.
Colder air temperatures mean less time asphalt paving crews have to work with the material, and the less time they have, the harder it is to get it right. Paving crews need working time with the asphalt to get it laid down well across your parking lot. If the crews don't have enough time, your parking lot can be left with bumps, unsightly seams, or the project may not even get finished.
While it depends on where you live, winter is not typically a good time to install thinner asphalt projects.
According to the National Asphalt Pavement Association smaller asphalt repairs such as potholes, minor skin patching, or smaller overlays are best done in warmer weather, but larger overlays at 2 inches or thicker can be done in cooler temps. See the chart below for best practices.
Generally, for thin applications of asphalt (1.5"), you'll want to wait until the temperatures are at 70 degrees F or better. Between 50-60 degrees F, you'll need to consult with your paving contractor. The hot-mix is still workable during this timeframe, but time is limited.
Luckily for us here in Southern California, the winter time is usually a fine time for paving as we rarely see temperatures below 70 degrees.
So remember the spring and summer are always the best times to lay down asphalt. If your project does need to be done in the off season be sure to hire a paving contractor that knows the best practices for paving in those cooler months. Give us call to talk about your paving project. We would love to work with you today!
Empire Parking Lot Services2363 North Batavia Street
Hours |
8:00am - 5:00pm |
Closed |