Empire Parking Lot Services performed sealcoating and parking lot striping at a business park located in the city of Irvine California. We were asked to bid on this project by a property manager and a few weeks later we were awarded the project. We love working in Irvine because the parking lots are almost always in perfect condition from years of quality maintenance.
This project was pretty straight forward, as the customer had already taken really great care of their parking lot. So it was pretty much just a routine parking lot seal and striping project. We started by cleaning the lot and sealing about 1000 linear feet of cracks. Then, we seal coated the parking lot using "Guardtop Slurry Seal". We use this brand of sealcoat because it has the highest reputation in the industry. Once the sealcoating was dry and ready it was just a matter of reapplying the paint for the parking lot lines, and a fresh coat of paint for the curbs and legends.
All in all the project turned out great and the customer was very pleased. Here are a few specifics for this job: The project was power cleaned before any work was even done. This is done using power blowers, steel brooms, and flat scrapers. Crack seal was applied to all existing cracks throughout the parking lot. The project was roughly 65,000 sf of asphalt that needed to be seal coated. We applied one heavy coat of seal and let it dry. Once dry, our in-house striping crews showed up to the job site and repainted the lines to their previous layout. All in all this project took about two days and turned out fantastic!